The limits
Volunteer compensation in the Netherlands is subject to three limits for 2024, a yearly limit of €2.100, a monthly limit of €210, and an hourly limit of €5,60 for those 21 and above or €3,30 for those below 21.
All three limits must apply, meaning your compensation cannot exceed any of these limits. If, for example, you receive less than €2.100 for 2024 but more than €210 for any month, the entire compensation is still subject to taxes.
These limits include all other volunteer compensation and travel or other reimbursements you have received from Colored Qollective or any other organisation.
Colored Qollective makes use of the legal exemption to the hourly limit when a compensation per hour for volunteer efforts has not previously been agreed upon, and the compensation policy is not proportionate (as compared to the market and our staff rates).
Temporary volunteer compensation policy for 2024 and 2023
The 2024 temporary compensation consists of two tiers:
- Active months: €40 per month
- Meetings attended, assuming a maximum of 2 meetings per month*: €85 per meeting**
- * This is to keep the compensation within the limit of €210 per month.
- ** Trans Clinic Team meetings already include a compensation of €85 per meeting. These cannot be counted to avoid double compensation, which is not allowed.
The reasoning for basing compensation on meetings attended is to align it with the compensation for the Trans Clinic Team. The assumption here is that the compensation per meeting includes voluntary work done in preparation for and during the meeting, and voluntary work done as part of action points (resulting from the meeting).
The 2023 temporary compensation consists of €40 per active month.
Important note on the limits and tax declaration
You can claim an average of up to 10 active months with 2 meetings per month (€40+€85+€85=€210*10=€2.100), excluding any other volunteer compensation and travel or other reimbursements you have received from Colored Qollective or other organisations in 2024, without being required to declare this to the Belastingdienst and pay taxes on this.
However, if you claim more than the limit, including all volunteer compensation and travel or other reimbursements you have received from Colored Qollective or other organisations in 2024, you must declare this to the Belastingdienst and pay taxes on this.
Urgency and monetary support
If due to personal circumstances you need this compensation urgently or other monetary support, please reach out to Anh (