- Fill in the reimbursement form below.
- Fill in and sign the claims sheet and attach it to this form.
- Make a copy, photo, or screenshot of receipts of your costs and attach it to this form. This can include invoices, receipts, booking or order confirmations, etc. Please note that if the receipt is separate and without your name on it, please include proof of payment, for example, your bank transaction statement.
* To declare travel costs by car, please send along a screenshot of the total number of kilometres (you can use the ANWB Route planner via www.anwb.nl/verkeer/routeplanner). You can declare € 0,19 per kilometre.
If you have any questions or need more information or clarification, please contact our co-treasurer, Anh, via Discord or by email (penningmeester@coloredqollective.org).