Stichting Colored Qollective

Een stichting voor en door LHBTQIA+ personen van kleur

Monthly group meetings

We hold a meeting for our target group every month. This can range from a fun craft afternoon to a serious conversation about mental health.

Service calls

Do you need a listening ear? You can have conversations with a service provider who also belongs to the target group.

Special projects and guest appearances

In 2021 we will sail with Utrecht Pride and we will hold our own Colored Qollective symposium!.

Colored Qollective in brief

Colored Qollective is an organization founded in 2018 that specifically focuses on the position and safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual individuals of color (abbreviated to LGBTQIA+). We organize monthly so-called ‘safe space meetings’ in the form of group meetings and social events. In addition, we offer a physical, safe place for people who (may) have to deal with multiple forms of exclusion and oppression.

For us as an organization, it is important that LGBTQIA+ people of color feel as safe as possible. That is why we also organize private meetings, in which only people within the target group can join. Our focus is on LGBTQIA+ black, brown, Roma, and Sinti people, including the refugee fellow man.

Everything we do is from a perspective of intersectionality. This means that we take into account different identities that intersect in every area. Examples include gender and sexual preference, race/ethnicity, class, financial poverty, cultural background, religion/belief, age, migration status, sex work, people with invisible and visible disabilities and/or disabilities, and mental and physical health.

We ourselves consist of a core team of twelve LGBTQIA+ people of color and all work from experiential expertise. In addition, we also provide training and workshops throughout the country, participate in conferences and symposia and are responsible for various projects around this theme.

Want to know more? Contact us at: or the form below

Letter to the municipality of Utrecht for raising an inclusive rainbow flag

Colored Qollective argues in this letter for the raising of the inclusive rainbow flag by the municipality of Utrecht during coming-out day this year. This letter was signed by 16 other LGBTQIA+ organizations. Click below for the full text:

Read the letter

Please contact us

Do you have questions, comments, or a proposal for cooperation? Contact us!

We have an ANBI status. Donations can be deducted tax-free.Bank account: NL79 TRIO 0788 8640 17 attn. Colored Qollective